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Sunday School, at 10am , term time only


Messy Church, Saturday, 2-4pm, seasonal events
We believe at St. Garbriel’s that our children deserve the very best in the nurturing of their spirituality, so, rather than have them sitting through a sermon, a group of primary school children have their own groups where they learn about our faith and traditions through stories and craft
A new way of doing church.

Messy Church is a way of being church for families and others.

It is Christ-centred, for all ages, based on creativity, hospitality and celebration.


For information and booking a place, contact: Children and Families Coordinator: Clare Reeves,

Children's Choir
Children's Choir, Sunday, 11.30-12.15pm, seasonal events
Our Children’s Choir is open to ages 6+

We’ve completed training and performed at:

Mother’s Day Service, Father’s Day Service, Harvest Festival, Christmas Christingle and Carol Services, Easter Service


For information and booking a place, contact: / 07743 785884

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