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St Gabriel's Aldersbrook
We need your help!
Since Spring of last year, a small group of Friends have been working to improve facilities across the church and the hall.
Hall Renovations Update Feb 2024
A huge thank you to Saturday’s 7 volunteers and Sunday’s 6. Those who came worked incredibly hard. 4 were non-congregation members. It was so cold: we couldn't turn the heating on as we are painting the radiators! We achieved: Painting the side walls and radiators of the hall. The stage wall and stairs were refreshed.
The Ladies’ Loo was fitted with new basins and thermostatically controlled water delivery including hot water.
A storage cupboard was fitted for potty storage and the changing table was upgraded.
In the disabled loo the loo roll holder was refitted.
A new toilet seat was fitted to the seat in the 1st stall
The drips in the 1st and 2nd stall loos were corrected.
The interior walls and woodwork were all painted.
New flooring was fitted in the upstairs kitchen and loo, professionally fitted on Monday.
Lampshades were fitted to the lobby and stair lights.
In the week ahead: we anticipate that the motion sensor in the Gents' loo will be replaced.
The disabled loo leak will be rectified and the tap in the scullery area in the rear of church vestry loo.
A finishing coat will be applied to the woodwork in the ladies’ loo area before Easter.
We have asked that the new flooring in the Ladies' loo be scheduled for the Easter holidays alongside a raft of other tasks.
Rusty Livock and Willa King February 2024
There is much more that we want to achieve but we need your help! How can I help?
1. Come to a fundraising event
Our next one is a Ceilidh on March 16th at the church.
2 Update your Friend’s donation to give a suggested £25 per household via BACS sort code 08-92-99 account 65878824
or in variants of £10-£100 via SumUP Friends of St Gabriel's (
3. Sign up to allow estate agent boards that advertise events in your front garden. Each board is worth £10 to us!
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